Course: [Geo]Real Estate Marketing: Concepts & Applications
Train real estate professionals who want to specialize in their careers with the strategic use of georeferenced data.
Target Audience:
People who work in marketing, land prospecting, feasibility assessment and launching real estate products.
Launch Webinar: 23/8
Registration period: 22/07 to 19/9
Course: 20/9
Schedules: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Workload: 4 hours/class
- Basic concepts of geomarketing
- Information Sources
- Real Estate Product Marketing
- Understanding Real Estate Market Trends
- Target audience identification
- Market segmentation
- Demand and supply analysis
- Real Estate Marketing Cases

Dsc. Lucas Baldoni
15 years of experience in socioeconomic research and consulting in mapping entrepreneurship and innovation activities in Brazil. Specialist in geospatial analysis applied to real estate market studies and futuring methodologies. Geographer (UNESP), Master and Doctor (UNICAMP). Post-doctorate at the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP). He was a technical consultant in the planning of actions for 13 Industrial Districts for the Federation of Industries of Minas Gerais (FIEMG). He worked on the implementation of the FOMENTA Incubator in the city of Santa Cruz das Palmeiras (SP). He was a consultant for Techno Park Campinas for accreditation in the São Paulo System of Innovation Environments (SPAI/SPTEC) and a consultant for the Galileo Technology and Business Park in Paulínia (SP). He worked on the study entitled “Ecosystem of Hardware Startups in Brazil: Scenarios and Challenges", commissioned by SBMICRO. He was a technical consultant for the preparation of the georeferenced database, organization of players and thematic maps on the regional ecosystem of internet of things (IoT) and industry 4.0 for the “Estrategia para la Transformación Digital de Campinas” of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). He collaborated as an evaluator in the Ideaz Program carried out by INOVATIVA, ANPROTEC, SEBRAE and SEPEC/ME. He worked as an Analyst of Innovation Environments at the Science and Technology Park of Unicamp and in the area of entrepreneurship at the Innovation Agency INOVA-UNICAMP. He worked as a Trends Researcher in the Ventures area of Accenture Brazil. He is a specialist in business modeling at Softex Campinas. He is a director at Linkages, a company specialized in mapping.
Registration Form
Payment Methods:
Ticket: R$ 300.00
Pix in sight: R$ 280.00
Credit card R$300.00 in up to 2 interest-free installments